
Looking for something specific?
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apples, apricots, artichokes, arugula
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carrots, cauliflower, celery
cool season garden, cucumbers
garlic, guavas, insects, kale, kohlrabi
kumquats, lettuce, limes
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pomegranates, radish, raised beds
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Plant A Victory Garden Now

Plant A Victory Garden Now

If you’re looking for a brief summary on how to start a vegetable garden, check out this Los Angeles Times article.

DIY: Plant a victory garden now and grow your own groceries

I’d add that besides sun, good soil is extremely important. Build your soil and your harvests will be bountiful. Also, sounds basic, but plant what you want to eat. If no one in your household likes eggplant, grow something else. Container gardening can be a good option while you build your soil. There are many container vegetable varieties available.

Finally, find a resource for advice about growing vegetables in your region. That might be the Master Gardeners website for your county. Master Gardeners Association of San Diego has loads of information and a hotline. For those in the West, Sunset’s Western Garden Book of Edibles is an invaluable guide for new gardeners. If you plan to garden in the Pacific Northwest, check out Seattle Urban Farm Company’s blog and their book, Food Grown Right, in Your Backyard. You can also use the search feature on this blog for posts on growing various vegetables. Get growing!

EG A Day's Harvest 2011.JPG

Thumbnail image credit—Dabsy Myla / for the LA Times

In My San Diego Garden and Kitchen

In My San Diego Garden and Kitchen

The Covid-19 Victory Garden

The Covid-19 Victory Garden