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In My San Diego Garden and Kitchen

In My San Diego Garden and Kitchen

Only two months into the fall-winter garden, harvests are small but celebrated. The promised 28 days to radish harvest was more like 45 but days are shorter and much of October was cool and cloudy. These will be colorful salad additions.

Lettuce planted in early October has thrived. Transplants of Little Gem, Dark Red Lollo Rossa and Outredgeous now initiate salad season. The mesclun lettuce will be ready soon.

We find fruit harvests inexplicable at times. The Satsuma tangerines are more abundant than any year we can remember. Gifts to neighbors are always welcomed.

Next act: Jacaranda and Premium Crop broccoli. The plants are quite large and every few days I peak at the very center looking for the nascent crowns.

Lavender Dream rose

As Thanksgiving weekend closes, I’m thankful for family, friends, my church and the simple pleasures of a garden.

Check the What I’m Planting Now and Garden Tasks This Week pages. I’ll be posting Mondays and Thursdays during the holidays. Watch for a series on my favorite garden tools.

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Favorite Garden Tools—Dibble

Favorite Garden Tools—Dibble

Small Business Saturday

Small Business Saturday