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Decision-making in A Drought #3

May 12, 2015


Lovely Santa Barbara daisies (Erigeron karvinskianus) which until recently edged the bed where my apricot tree grows. They love to creep and look lush even though they are water thrifty.


But they compete with our apricot tree and we’re in a drought. And if we cross into the fourth tier for our water bill, that water becomes excruciatingly expensive.


So when I added more mulch around the tree, I transplanted the Santa Barbara daisies to an area that gets only dew. The decision to remove them is just one of many that we’ve had to make. On the proverbial scale of apricots vs. Santa Barbara daisies


the apricots won. After all, water is like money. I can spend it in a variety of ways. We’ll make sure the apricot tree gets sufficient water.


But the Pacific iris will stay, living happily in a corner in the light shade.

5 Vegetable Tops That You Should Never Throw Out — Tips from The Kitchn