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Harvest Monday: 'Blue Jade' Corn and more...

September 17, 2012

I harvested a few ears of the long-awaited ‘Blue Jade’ corn this week. After some obsessive Googling “when corn is ready to pick,” I made the move and my husband insisted I eat the first ear.

You see, I’ve never grown corn before in my smallish, urban/suburban gardens. In Massachusetts, I could drive five minutes to Marini Farms and buy corn still warm from the field, so I never included it in my vegetable garden there. (Bi-coastal moment)

Now, for some perspective. Each of the ears is only about four to five inches long but the corn was very sweet and tender. What fun they’d be for young children though not quite what was advertised by the seed company. I’ll see soon what other ears look like. Someone who knows about plant genetics could probably explain the mottled appearance. Read my original post on 'Blue Jade’ corn and see the catalog image there.

Addendum after dinner tonight: 

'Blue Jade’ that looks like 'Blue Jade.’ Apologies for my hasty statement above.

And here was one day’s harvest which was the inspiration for gazpacho last night. I added a cucumber and green peppers picked later.

My homely little Russian cuke.

The peppers and tomatoes thrived in the heat of the past week.

This is the gazpacho in progress. The light was nice as I was chopping. My son, Andy and his girlfriend, Sarah came for a light meal and brought a loaf of black olive French bread. Could there be a better late summer combination?

Harvest Monday is hosted by Daphne’s Dandelions. It’s a time to share what you’re harvesting in your garden or how you’re using it.