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In My San Diego Garden & Kitchen 11-23-15


Sunday morning orange juice from the navel orange tree. The cool nights bring color to the peel and sweeten the oranges. Citrus season begins.


I picked some strawberry guavas over the weekend, popping a few of the ripest ones in my mouth. When the fruit warms in the sun the flavors brighten and intensify. Many more guavas to come in this second crop. The first crop came two months early this year. 


The espaliered apple tree has a half dozen clusters of unseasonable blossoms now and a few tiny apples.


Another out of season harvest over the weekend. The ‘Dorsett Golden’ apples come in May and June with a second smaller crop in the early fall. This is about a month later than usual. But I’m pleased. 


I’ll use them in my Thanksgiving salad of persimmons, pomegranates and apples.


Not many flowers in the garden but varied foliage for a practice Thanksgiving bouquet.

Head over to Our Happy Acres to see what other gardeners are harvesting this fall.

Can You Guess Which Foods Are Authentically American?

Planning the Winter Garden