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Mood-boosting Bacteria Found in Dirt

August 15, 2012

A bacteria found in dirt may act like a natural anti-depressant.
Photo credit: Yahoo

I’m not surprised by the recent finding that dirt may be good for your mental health. I could have told you that and my grandmothers would have concurred. They knew, as I do, that there is something inherently therapeutic about making and keeping a garden.

Enjoy the link to this article and after that, return to read my short essay from last year, Thoughts on Dirt and Garden GlovesIt begins:

I have always loved dirt. The texture, moisture, the earthiness of soil in my hands sends endorphins surging through me. When I transplant a seedling bare-handed, the dirt tells me if I need to loosen it some more, or add more compost. Garden gloves muffle the message, put too much distance between me, the root ball and the bed I am making for it. Read more

Harvest Monday: Zucchini and 'Sunset Shades'